ICQC Al Ihasan School is starting online with COVID guidelines. You need to register your child by filling school form. Please note that you need to do this for each of your child. More Children to add? Please proceed to the form. ICQC SCHOOL FORM
Author: icqconline
ICQC Eid-ul-Adha Announcement
Assalamu Alaikum, May Peace Be With You! Eid-ul-Adha will be on Friday, 31 July for 2020, Insha Allah. ICQC will arrange two prayers to manage the crowd better in COVID time. Please read and follow all the instructions carefully as detailed below. Prayer1: Takbeer 7:30 am, Prayer 8:00 am Prayer2: Takbeer 9:30 am, Prayer 10:00…
Jumuah Instructions
Assalamu Alaikum, Good News! We have reopened the Masjid for Juma from 12 June 2020 with limited numbers, Alhumdulillah! For everyone’s safety, all attending the masjid must follow COVID guidelines strictly . Here are instructions to follow for the Jumuah. Sick: If you are sick or was close to anyone who was sick, please do…
Eid ul Fitr – 2020 on Sunday May 24th
2020 Eid ul-Fitr will be on Sunday, May 24th Asalaamu Alaykum, In accordance with Fiqh Council of North America statement ICQC Announces Eid-ul-Fitr of 2020 on SUNDAY May 24, 2020, Insha Allah. Fiqh Council of North America Statement as below:Eid ul-Fitr 1441 AH: “The Astronomical New Moon is on Friday, May 22, 2020 at 17:40…
Zakatul Fitr – 2020
Zakatul Fitr (Fitra Zakat) for this year is $10 per each person in a family including children. This has to be paid before Eid prayers. There are two options to choose Due to the situations,this year, you may drop your Zakatul Fitr at ICQC Masjid Wednesday (20 May), Thursday, Friday or Saturday between 4:00…
Ramadan 2020 Annoucement
The Fiqh Council of North America (FCNA) has determined that Friday, April 24, 2020 will be the first day of Ramadan 1441. ICQC will be following the same and announces that Friday, April 24, 2020 will be the first day of fasting. Due to COVID 19 situation, there will be no daily prayers, Taraweeh…
ICQC Maintenance Fund Raising 2020
Please Donate to Support ICQC Here is the recording of fundraising event ICQC had on Sunday, 03 May 2020, 6:00 PM.It is also available in YouTube and Facebook. You may still pay your contribution using the Donate/Pay Later buttons below. To make your donations, please choose from the options below Pay Now with PayPal…
ICQC Food Pantry Drive
ICQC is conducting a food pantry drive to support the community during COVID 19. The event is open to all the people of Quad Cities. The program will be on Sunday, 19 April from 11:00 AM to 12PM at ICQC Masjid. Please join and spread the word.
Hot Meal Drive Through
ICQC hosted a hot meal drive on 12 April 2020 to stand in support for the local community during COVID 19. We had great support from the community and we could serve around 140 meals. This truly motivates ICQC to do these kinds of programs again and we hope to do it again. Photos from…
ICQC Online Programs During COVID 19
In response to COVID 19 situation, ICQC is arranging online program. Br. Bachir who is the ICQC Imam will be delivering programs through Facebook and Youtube. Program Details Saturday Circle at Saturday 6:00 P.M. Live Stream will be available in Facebook and Youtube ICQC Facebook : facbook.com/icqcmasjid ICQC Youtube Channel: ICQC Youtube Channel